If there’s no sugar to be found, the excess of insulin in the system tells your brain that your body is starving. As a result, you start to retain fat cells and your body starts making new ones!
You are far better off putting a teaspoon of real sugar or honey into your tea or coffee than opening one of those little blue or yellow packets. The same principle holds true for diet soft drinks. It is a better idea to drink modest amounts of the real thing (and soda made with cane sugar is best – as opposed to high fructose corn syrup) than to drink ANY amount of its no-calorie counterpart.
Ideally, you should ditch the soda all together and give your body what it needs: plenty of plain, fresh water. I like to drink plain seltzer with a squeeze of lime when I get the urge for something with fizz. Once you successfully detox from all that sugar, it tastes remarkably like any other lemon/lime soda and it’s much better for you.